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Island Influencers

Jan 27, 2021

This week's guest is Neil Taggart, the co-owner and director of one of the Isle of Man's most iconic and long-established estate agents, Chrystals.

Manx man Neil grew up on a dairy farm moving off the island for a few years to study Rural Estate Management at University and then gaining a wealth of experience including his Chartered Surveyor qualifications working for an industry-leading national property firm.

In 2004 Neil was lured back to the island and returned to Chrystals where he undertook his work experience/Saturday job at 14 years old! Neil is always keen to help clients achieve the best from their property and has a great passion for the Isle of Man's success.

We recorded this episode in December 2020, just a few days before his uncle Geoff Taggart's untimely death. Our condolences to the family.

Here's this week's conversation with Neil Taggart in episode 36 of Island Influencers.