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Island Influencers

Jun 17, 2020

My guest on the podcast today is Adam Owen, Curriculum and Training Director at NextGen Planners in the UK.

Adam is currently President of the Personal Finance Society, the largest professional body for retail financial advisers in the UK with more than 40,000 members and the largest issuer of Statements of Professional Standing for financial advisers.

Adam joined the profession in the mid-1990s, and he held advisory roles within direct sales and the IFA sector providing technical compliance support to both directly authorised firms and networks.

He was a founding Director of the support provider EQI Consultancy and held a variety of senior compliance and supervision positions.

More recently, he's focused on developing career pathways throughout the profession, becoming a Chartered Insurance Institute and Personal Finance Society accredited trainer.

And indeed, this year he is the President of the Personal Finance Society, where his leadership is training up the next succession of leaders within the profession.

Here’s my conversation with Adam Owen in episode 14 of Island Influencers.